Here are instructions for how to stop using store bought shampoo. You can also check out my other posts for more details on how my experience with this process went.
It seems like a bit of work at the beginning to wrap your head around
the process (make that wrap the process around your head haha) and you
may need to tweak a few things to get it to work best for your hair, but
that means in the end you'll have a fully customized, cheaper, healthier
(compared to chemical shampoos) alternative that takes less work and
gives you nicer hair!
The idea is that if you don't strip all your natural oils from your
hair every day (and then replace them with synthetic oils in conditioner
so you can avoid tangles...), your body will stop overproducing the oils
and after a few weeks should reach an equilibrium, and your hair will
stay clean longer. People also say their hair is thicker, has more
volume, is stronger, has a healthier colour and if you have curls or waves,
these will probably become more pronounced and better formed with less
frizz. Personally (I'm in my second week of trying this) my hair feels
nicer, softer, thicker, more substantial. It also styles/falls nicer
when its not as clean and fluffy.
The basic recipe for the "shampoo" is 1 tablespoon of baking soda to
one cup
of water, mix well in a spray or squirt bottle, use some on your hair
every couple days, focus rubbing gently on the scalp not your ends, then
rinse. If your hair is not clean enough, you can add more baking
soda, if it's too harsh, use less.
If you want
conditioner, (if hair is too dry/tangled) you can use 1 tablespoon of
apple cider vinegar mixed with one cup of water, spray on the ends of
your hair and comb through, then rinse. When your hair is dry it will
not smell like vinegar.
Do be careful not to get either of these mixtures in your eyes.
customizable part, other than the recipe ratios, is how often you wash
and whether you rinse with just water in between washes, and whether you
blow dry. Some people say that can make a difference so if your hair
isn't responding well, you could try changing one of those.
I think I've hit upon a good schedule for me that lets me skip the
maximum number of washes while still looking presentable for work/life. I
wash my hair Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. Sunday morning I comb
through a bit of corn starch to soak up oils, hair looks great but would
start looking gross by late afternoon if I don't do this Sunday
Let me know if you try it and what you think!
It's best to try it
for 3 weeks to allow time for nice results to show, although I'm pleased
already with mine.
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